What is Vocal Activation?

Vocal Activation integrates technical voice training with holistic and energetic healing modalities to unleash creativity.

The vocal activators train your mind to perceive beyond what you think your voice is “supposed” to sound like and into somatically experiencing the vibration of your own voice for freedom, embodiment, and healing.

No voice ever sounds quite like yours. Your life story is your song. And your voice is one instrument to the symphony of the universe.

Everything within the universe holds frequency and your voice transmits your unique vibration. By expressing yourself fully and freely, you not only liberate yourself and free up a well of unlimited creative energy, but you also contribute to raising the vibration of collective consciousness.

And the earth is calling for your healing! For more harmonious voices. For people to use the gift of self-expression to restore balance and inspire unity on the planet.

Your voice has the power to open people's hearts. To serve as a bridge from the physical world to the unseen. And connect us all to one another.

Meet the Creator

Brooke Wolfe

Holistic Voice Coach, Musician, Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, and Cacao Ceremonialist

Brooke integrates holistic healing modalities with music to hold a safe container for others. Brooke has traveled to 14 countries sharing music as medicine, released music on Spotify as an independent artist, and helped hundreds of women embody their creative potential using the power of their own voice.