
Welcome to the Foundational Vocal Activation Course!

Vocal Activation connects you with the most powerful instrument on earth - yourself!

Like an instrument, music flows through you. It is not of you. It is not something you create. You are creation. All music already exists. And we are all inherently connected to it through the creative pulse of life.

This course is less about learning to sing and more about allowing yourself to be sung.

Vocal Activation integrates the spirit and science of sound to unlock creative potential and free your voice. This course will incorporate energetic and holistic healing modalities with technical voice training to activate what is already within you.


[Mu = Mother] + [Sic = Science]

= The Mother of All Sciences


No voice is ever quite like yours. Your life story is your song. And your voice is a singular expression to the symphony of the universe. 

Activating the voice moves beyond technical singing and any illusions of you think your singing voice is “supposed” to sound like, to enter deeper layers of self-expression and healing on a vibrational level. 

Everything within the universe holds frequency and your voice transmits your unique vibration. By expressing yourself fully and freely, you not only LIBERATE yourself and free up this well of infinite creative energy, but you also contribute to raising the vibration of collective consciousness.

And the earth is calling for your healing! For more harmonious voices. For people to use the gift of self-expression to restore balance and inspire unity on the planet.

Our voice has the power to open people's hearts and minds. To serve as a bridge from the physical world to the unseen. And connect us all to one another.


The tangible practices throughout this course that will help you activate the power of your voice

  • Technical vocal warm-ups
  • Vocal flow and singing practices
  • Breathwork for vocal strength & support
  • Guided meditations
  • Channeled activations
  • Vocal toning to find your natural tone
  • Somatically experiencing the vibration of your own voice for clarity & healing
  • Constructing melodies & harmonies
  • Mantra chanting
  • Introduction to songwriting
  • Invoking flow state through sound
  • Open discussion/question section
  • Reflection questions
  • FREE access to the Vocal Activation Library with the purchase of this course. All audios will be embedded in the course and available to download so that you may access them from a smartphone or computer - anywhere, anytime!

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